Friday, November 20, 2015

The Biggest Problem in Piracy

Rocky Ouprasith, 23, the founder of the website, a Cyberlocker site that made it easy to download songs, was sentenced to three years in prison in November, 2015. He was also ordered to pay USD 99,139.67.
Ourpasith started the site in 2011, hosting user content on servers in France and Canada and ran a similar website in Russia and the Netherlands. The site was seized by the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, in 2014.
Ouprasith admitted to obtaining copies of copyrighted songs and albums from on-line sources and encouraged others, whom he called 'affiliates', to upload music to the website. He agreed to pay these 'affiliates' based on the number of file downloads. In his plea agreement, Ouprasith admitted the market value pf the illegally obtained material to be approximated more than USD 3.5 million.
Cyberloacker is an on-line service that allows users to store and share large files. Cyberlocker websites have several uses. they're useful for sharing copyrighted maerial. while the major services don't provide search engnes themselves, there are a number of third party search-engines that do. a search for a popular movie or television show on one of these specialised search engines, like , shows there is plenty of pirated material that can be easily accessed through these cyberlocker websites.
after all this commotion, the cyberlocker companies made it clear that they weren't going to sit around. Just a day after the MarkMonitorreport came out citing RapidShare as a 'top digital piracy service', RapidShare fired out an indignant press release saying it might sue for defamation. A day later, Mega Upload (another cyberlocker service holder) pushed back in a similar manner.

- Atanu Mistry